Sunday 29 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Of course he supports the freeze

Of course he supports the freeze

Remember 'settler MK' Otniel Schneller who stuck with Ehud Olmert and his Kadima party through thick and thin? Well, I'm sure those of you who remember him will be shocked - just shocked - to hear that he's all in favor of the 'settlement freeze.'

MK Otniel Schneller (Kadima),resident of Maale Machmesh settlement, announced that he supports the temporary freeze order on West Bank construction.

Schneller also urged his party members to back the cabinet's decision to continue construction in Jerusalem due to natural growth: "The construction freeze will help renew negotiations with the Palestinian people while maintaining the national interests of Israel."

By the way, construction in Jerusalem is permitted under the 'freeze' even if it has nothing to do with 'natural growth.' I'm sure in that case, Schneller is opposed.

I wonder what his reaction will be when God forbid the IDF comes to remove him from his home in Maale Michmash (which is outside the 'security fence'), because Israel has decided to give the town to the 'Palestinians.' It seems that may be the only chance that Schneller will ever 'get it.' Maybe some of his leftist friends will find him a house in Ramat Aviv.

Israel Matzav: Of course he supports the freeze

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