Wednesday 11 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama: 'Progress' toward nuclear non-proliferation

Obama: 'Progress' toward nuclear non-proliferation

President Obumbler told Reuters on Monday that the United States has made more 'progress' toward nuclear non-proliferation in the last several months than it did in the previous several years (i.e. the entire Bush administration).

There are only two problems. First, you have to exclude Iran and North Korea - the two countries that have progressed toward nuclear proliferation over the last 'several months' - for the statement to even be prima facie arguable. Second, given how Obama has cowtowed to Russia, the only country that has made 'progress' toward non-proliferation is the United States, whose arsenal Obama is attempting to shut down. The Russians certainly aren't going to destroy their nuclear weapons. For that matter, neither will Pakistan.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Obama: 'Progress' toward nuclear non-proliferation

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