Friday 27 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama demanding release of additional 1,000 terrorists

Obama demanding release of additional 1,000 terrorists

Arutz Sheva is reporting that President Obama is demanding that in connection with the terrorists for Gilad trade, which is being made with Hamas, Israel release an additional 1,000 terrorists as a 'gesture' to 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen.

In response to U.S. demands that Israel free an additional 1,000-some terrorists as a "gesture" to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, Lieberman said that previous releases of Fatah terrorists "have not proven themselves. The Olmert administration did this several times and it did not work, and we do not plan to allow it to happen," Lieberman said.

What could go wrong?


And here we go:

Israel has granted pardon to 92 wanted members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing. Some were awarded full pardon while others were granted partial pardon. The most prominent member on the list is a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in the territories.

908 more to go.

Israel Matzav: Obama demanding release of additional 1,000 terrorists

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