Sunday 29 November 2009

Israel Matzav: New Lebanese government to endorse Hezbullah attacks on Israel

New Lebanese government to endorse Hezbullah attacks on Israel

Repeat after me: "Lebanon is Hezbullah. Hezbullah is Lebanon." Want proof? Here it is:

Hariri's national unity cabinet, including two members of Hizbullah, has been attempting to hammer out government guidelines ever since its formation earlier this month. A central sticking point has been Hizbullah's insistence that its independent arsenal of weapons be officially endorsed by the state. According to the Iranian-backed organization, its arms are non-negotiable. Cabinet members of the Phalangist Party and the Lebanese Forces insist that Hizbullah weapons undermine government authority and are in direct violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. The two parties initially said they would refuse to sign off on any government guidelines that left Hizbullah free to use its arsenal freely.

After nine attempts, according to Lebanese Information Minister Tarik Mitri, a draft agreement was reached on Wednesday that grants the Hizbullah demand. According to Mitri, the government guidelines will recognize the right "of Lebanon, its government, its people, its army and its resistance" to liberate Lebanese territory. The "resistance", in this case, refers directly to Hizbullah.

The language of the controversial clause is identical to the official position of the previous administration of Fouad Siniora. The only difference in Hariri's government is that the representatives of the Phalangists and Lebanese Forces will officially note their reservations on the article in question.

So when Israel hits back against Lebanese infrastructure because of Hezbullah, will Hariri cry as his predecessor did?

By the way, Mrs. Clinton, which wing of Hezbullah is maintaining the weapons now that they are going to be approved by the Lebanese government? Is it the military wing or the political wing? And which wing is sitting in the Lebanese government? Is it the military wing or the political wing?

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: New Lebanese government to endorse Hezbullah attacks on Israel

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