Friday 27 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Most Israeli Jews oppose releasing murderers for Shalit

Most Israeli Jews oppose releasing murderers for Shalit

Most Israeli Jews oppose the release of hardcore terrorist murderers in exchange for kidnapped IDF corporal Gilad Shalit.

A majority of Jewish Israelis are against releasing hardcore terrorists in exchange for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. A new poll published Tuesday reveals that 74% of the overall population supports releasing “soft” terrorists for Shalit. But if the deal includes the proposed 120 murders of Jews that number falls to 53%.

Taking into account that non-Jews make up a quarter of Israel’s overall population and most Arabs support the deal, political observers note there is no Jewish majority for the controversial move.

But since when does the government listen to Israeli Jews? That's the problem: Because of our electoral system where you vote for a party and not for a person, the government doesn't have to listen to us.

Israel Matzav: Most Israeli Jews oppose releasing murderers for Shalit

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