Sunday 22 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Israeli Jews oppose US interference on 'settlements' 2-1

Israeli Jews oppose US interference on 'settlements' 2-1

More Israeli Jews than ever support negotiations with the 'Palestinians,' but by a margin of 2-1 they oppose American interference with the 'settlements.' Unfortunately, with the Obama administration in power, they are far more likely to get the latter than the former (image via Jawa Report).

About three-fourths of the Israeli Jewish public currently supports holding negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians-the highest level of support registered in recent years on the War and Peace Index. At the same time, the public is divided on the question of whether freezing construction in the settlements is important or unimportant for a breakthrough in the talks with the Palestinians: 47% think the freeze is important and 50% that it is unimportant. A majority of two-thirds, compared to one-third, also oppose the United States pressuring Israel on this issue. As expected, among those favoring negotiations, the majority (57%) thinks the freeze is important and 37% that it is unimportant. However, among those who oppose negotiations this majority contracts; 93% of them say the freeze is unimportant. Yet, on the question of American pressure, even among the supporters of negotiations a clear majority of 57.5% opposes such pressure (38% support it and the rest take no position). Not surprisingly, almost everyone (91%) among the opponents of negotiations opposes such pressure.

The survey also asked whether respondents believed President Obumbler is pro-'Palestinian,' pro-Israel or neutral. Amazingly, 8% now believe that he is pro-Israel.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Israeli Jews oppose US interference on 'settlements' 2-1

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