Sunday 29 November 2009

Israel Matzav: IAEA rebukes Iran, Iran asks IAEA not to spoil the party

IAEA rebukes Iran, Iran asks IAEA not to spoil the party

At the IAEA meeting in Vienna, Iranian ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh asked the IAEA board not to destroy the 'positive atmosphere' in discussions between the sides. In other words, let the games continue.

Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, called on the UN nuclear watchdog's Board of Governors "not to destroy the positive atmosphere in the discussions between the sides."

Referring to a resolution presented by Germany during the meeting, Soltanieh said that "decisions, sanctions and threats have a negative affect. You cannot talk to the Iranian people, who have thousands of years of civilization, with the language of power, but only with the language of logic."

For once, the IAEA decided to stop playing games. The Board voted 25-3 with 6 abstentions to censure Iran for building the secret Qom nuclear plant, and demanded that the project be frozen immediately. Even though Russia and China voted in favor, good luck with that. The IAEA still doesn't understand that the only way to stop Iran now is with military action. For that matter, President Obumbler doesn't understand it either.

What could go wrong?
Israel Matzav: IAEA rebukes Iran, Iran asks IAEA not to spoil the party

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