Monday 30 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Baer and Hanson: 50-50 Israel strikes Iran by end of 2010 Q1

Baer and Hanson: 50-50 Israel strikes Iran by end of 2010 Q1

Big Government brings us this interview with Robert Baer and Victor Davis Hanson in which an Israeli strike on Iran is a real scenario. Big Government comments.

Either “full of himself” doesn’t even begin to describe our president, or his speechwriters are literally in love with him – which would be cute, were it not so perilous.

Because the world watches. In Israel, they watch and they listen and they don’t like the way the “winds of change” are blowing. They feel america leaving them in the desert. In Europe, they listen and they must, if their ears are working, hear the news that America will no longer play the bad cop to their good cop. If Obama’s America, while dreaming of a world without nuclear weapons, allows Iran to attain the ability to strike German cities, what should the Europeans leaders do? Will the Germans build new weapons of their own? As this interview with two experts on the region reveals, circumstances are rapidly growing too dire to ignore.

Let's go to the videotape.

Unfortunately (and I say 'unfortunately' only because I appreciate the consequences), the odds of an Israeli strike on Iran are growing by the day. No one here is willing to die to keep the price of gas in the US at $2.70 per gallon while that Islamist-loving moron in Washington goes all over the world talking about himself and bowing on America's behalf. He makes Neville Chamberlain look like a brilliant statesman.

I don't give a damn if oil goes to $1,000 per barrel, so long as my family and I are able to live normal lives. Does anyone in Washington get that? Do the 60 Democratic Senators who can bring anything to a vote understand that no one here is willing to die so that they can back 'engagement' with Iran? Or are they still enamored with King Hussein? Do the foolish Jews in the House like Bob Wexler and Gary Ackerman really think Israel is going to take a hit for them?

But deep down, it's impossible to escape the feeling that this may be Iraq or Syria all over again. Will Iran really respond? That seems less real than us hitting them. (Hamas and Hezbullah will respond, but they're like flies compared with Iran). But if we don't hit them, it's clear that they will hit us. There is no choice. Israel will have to act. God will help us.

Israel Matzav: Baer and Hanson: 50-50 Israel strikes Iran by end of 2010 Q1

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