Sunday 29 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Awww..... Guess who the big losers are in Dubai

Awww..... Guess who the big losers are in Dubai

Guess who the big losers are in Dubai? Yes, you guessed it. The 'Palestinians.'

Arab financial analysts said the crisis in the Gulf states, compounded by debts and falling oil prices, will affect the economy in the Palestinian Territories, where many families depend on money from relatives working in Dubai, primarily in construction.

Other Palestinians work as engineers, instructors and in technology-related professions in Dubai. Some have started construction businesses there, such as Arab-Tech, which was among the country's first victims of the financial crisis.

This recession resulted in the cancelation of building contracts and projects and sent the industry into a freeze, prompting many Palestinians to leave Dubai for neighboring Qatar - which last month injected $6 billion in fresh capital into its banking system to "restore confidence" in its own economy - and in Saudi Arabia. Some have returned to the West Bank.

Maybe if the 'Palestinians' don't have it so good, they'll consider compromising on some of their demands.

Nah, perish the thought.

Israel Matzav: Awww..... Guess who the big losers are in Dubai

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