Thursday 12 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Al-Guardian's Marc Garlasco wannabee

Al-Guardian's Marc Garlasco wannabee

Remember Marc Garlasco (pictured), the Human Rights Watch military investigator whose hobby is collecting Nazi regalia?

If you do, you may also recall that one of Garlasco's favorite hangouts on the web was Stormfront, a Nazi site that I will not link.

Well, al-Guardian has a cartoonist named Steve Bell who just might be hanging out on Stormfront too.

Here's the disgusting Steve Bell cartoon that al-Guardian published on Wednesday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

On Monday, Stormfront posted a link to a thread at another blog called Incogman (which I won't link). Here's a screen shot from that thread:

When you go here, you will find out that there are more similarities between Bell's cartoon and the Incogman thread. Does Bell read Incogman? Does Bell read Stormfront? Is Bell a good friend of Garlasco?

Read the whole thing.
Israel Matzav: Al-Guardian's Marc Garlasco wannabee

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