Tuesday 3 November 2009

Goldstone, J Street and Supporting Israel

Goldstone, J Street and Supporting Israel

There is a resolution to be voted on in Congress tomorrow condemning the Goldstone Report. J Street is against the resolution as presently worded, and wishes it to be watered down.

I don't know if the J Street folks have read the report in its entirety or not. I have. So I feel comfortable in stating that while I'm not in a position to say how supportive of Israel J Street is or isn't, this particular action seems to put it firmly in the camp of Israel's enemies. Not Israel's worst enemies, mind you, but I can't see how this might be a relief to anyone.

The vote will be an interesting test of J Street's power. Can they bring Congress to their line, or can't they, and if they can't, how close will they come. They're a lobby; that sort of thing is their reason to exist. Big conferences are merely the means, not the goal.
Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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