Sunday 1 November 2009

DoubleTapper: IDF MDT Armor David Combat Vehicle

IDF MDT Armor David Combat Vehicle

While I was attending the Police and Security Show I had the opportunity to meet a representative from MDT. We talked armor and vehicles for a few minutes and exchanged contact info.

I had a chance to check out the David that was on display

The MDT rep also gave me a virtual sneak preview of one of their newest armor vehicles the Gideon.

Here's a picture of the MDT Gideon.
The Gideon is designed to be a pack "mule" for infantry operations.

The IDF has used camels, mules and llamas in the past and has a need for this type of vehicle.

I'll do a separate post on the Gideon as soon as I get the OK from MDT Armor.

Stay Tuned

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DoubleTapper: IDF MDT Armor David Combat Vehicle

1 comment:

  1. Not nearly as good as the Oshkosh/Plasan Sandcat vehicle, which has far superior ballistic and anti-ied protection, and is much better-looking as well!
