Friday 30 October 2009 - Lech Lecha- A Personal Mission

Lech Lecha- A Personal Mission

pic2In this week’s parsha, Parshat Lech Lecha we read about how Avraham was commanded by Hashem to leave his birthplace and to go where Hashem commanded him. As we know where Avraham would be going was not revealed to him at first which made this commandment even more difficult. As always I like to connect events in the Torah to our lives, because I think in this way we can continue to bring the Torah back to life and it becomes more meaningful to us. So how does Avraham’s commandment have relevance for us today and what can we learn from his experience?

Hashem’s commandment to Avraham was, Lech Lecha which means go for yourself. I think that by following Hashem’s commandment Avraham was fulfilling his personal destiny that only he could accomplish. He understood Hashem’s message to him and he didn’t delay and push it aside. Instead he not only went himself but he brought many other people with him. Also in addition to this test that Hashem tested Avraham we are told that in total he was tested 10 times. Though he passed all the tests, we can imagine that despite his perseverance and success he still felt some fear.

I think that like Avraham, we each have our own personal missions in life that we need to accomplish. We are also given our share of challenges that are uniquely designed for us to help us become stronger and be able to carry out our life’s mission properly and effectively. Though at times it is unclear what we need to accomplish and what is expected from us, we like Avraham need to hear Hashem’s calling to us and take the strength from Avraham to approach life’s challenges and opportunities in a whole new way.

Lech Lecha- A Personal Mission

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