Wednesday 21 October 2009

The Torah Revolution: To Lindsey Silken: Let's rally behind ex NASA scientist Mr.Stewart David Nozette, 52

To Lindsey Silken: Let's rally behind ex NASA scientist Mr.Stewart David Nozette, 52

B"H -

"Lindsey Silken is one of Jewish Community's Hero of the Year judges in the semifinalist phase of this challenge. Lindsey wants to hear from you before she makes her decision on the Hero of the Year. Tell her which "must-have" quality you'd like to see in the ultimate Jewish Community Hero. Then let her know which hero you think possesses that quality."

This is what I wrote to her:


Lindsey, under the present emergency circumstances I think it would be most appropriate to dedicate your entire event to ex NASA scientist Mr.Stewart David Nozette, 52, who was framed by the FBI and now sits in jail, just like Jonathan Pollard does, since '85. Let's send a strong message to the American people and to the American government, saying that helping Israel is OK, even at a cost of changing the rules in the middle of the game. I'm sure everybody would rally behind you and people would applaud you for standing up for the Jewish right to a safe Israel.
FBI agents were specifically posing as Mossad spy handlers, targetting Jews. Let American Jews say NO to FBI anti-Semitism!

Please do the same and ask your friends and contacts to do the same. It is IMPORTANT to stand up now for the Jewish right to a safe Israel!

The Torah Revolution: To Lindsey Silken: Let's rally behind ex NASA scientist Mr.Stewart David Nozette, 52

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