Friday 23 October 2009

Love of the Land: PA Still Teaches Kids that All of Israel is "Occupied"

PA Still Teaches Kids that All of Israel is "Occupied"

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Hudson New York
22 October 09

Allah willing, the day will come when we'll return to Lod and all the areas they [Israel] have occupied." [PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 22, 2009]

PA TV continues to teach Palestinian children that all of Israel is "occupied Palestine." Despite continued pledges to change this message and to recognize Israel and its right to exist, the PA has not followed through. Last month, the PA TV host Wallaa expressed the above wish at an outdoor broadcast of the weekly children's program The Best Home.
To see how PA TV refers to Lod as "occupied", click here.

The following is the transcript:
Child: "I'm from Palestine."
Host: "From where in Palestine? We're all from Palestine."
Child: "I'm from Lod [Israeli city]."
Host: "Oh, Lod is a very, very beautiful city. Anyone who goes there is so lucky! Do you really go in and out of Lod?" [from the PA to Israel]
Child: "But they [Israelis] have occupied it."
Host: "You mean you are from Lod, but you live here [in Ramallah]. Never mind, my dear. Allah willing, the day will come when we will return to Lod and to all the areas they have occupied."
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 22, 2009]
To see more examples from the new PMW website of how the PA replaces Israel with "Palestine",click here.
To see examples from the new PMW website of how the PA denies Israel's right to exist, click here.
To see examples from the new PMW website of how the PA advocates Israel's destruction, click here.

Love of the Land: PA Still Teaches Kids that All of Israel is "Occupied"

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