Friday 2 October 2009

Love of the Land: Manhigut Yehudit - Chol HaMoed

Manhigut Yehudit - Chol HaMoed

Sunday, 1st Day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot (16 Tishrei/Oct. 4) Jerusalem
Open Sukkah with Moshe Feiglin, Michael Fuah,
Rabbis, MKs, and Manhigut Yehudit Friends

Sukkah of Sharki Family
11 Givat Shaul St. (Ground floor)
Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

4 p.m. and on

Join us for a meat meal, refreshments and discussions.

All are welcome!
Tuesday, 3rd Day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot (18 Tishrei/Oct. 6) Shomron
All-day "Tiyul" for the entire family - bring the kids!10AM - Bullet-proof bus picks up from the Citadel Hotel and travels to the GOLANI army base in the Shechem area. The officers on the base will show us around the base and let the kids jump on the equipment. They will also show us Mt. Gerizzim and Mt. Eval and we will look at a great view of Kever Yosef.

After that, we will tour the Yitzhar organic winery, which Manhigut Yehudit helped plant. There will be delicious wine tasting for everybody! See also the brand new "Od Yosef Chai" Yeshiva building (in Yitzhar) built by Ben Landa, Chairman of the Board of Manhigut Yehudit. Mincha will be held in the Yeshiva's beautiful Bet Midrash.

After that, we will proceed to the Neve Aliza neighborhood of Karnei Shomron and have lunch with Moshe and Tzippy Feiglin in their Sukkah!

B'ezrat Hashem, the bus will return to Jerusalem at around 7:30PM.

Space is limited and you MUST reserve ASAP.

Cost for this trip is: NIS 70 per person.

Our apologizes for the high price but the Ministry of Tourism REQUIRES a bullet-proof bus on a trip like this and these buses are quite expensive.

For more information, or to RSVP for the "tiyul" on Tuesday,
please call Shmuel Sackett (052) 607-0119

You can also send Shmuel an email at:
Wednesday, 4th Day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot (19 Tishrei/Oct. 7) Jerusalem
Going up to "Har Ha'Bayit" with Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett
(That's REAL "aliyah la'regel"!!!)
Please be at the entrance to Har Ha'Bayit (next to the main entrance for the Kotel) - after all Halachic preparations - at 7:30 AM SHARP!!!

If you get there any later, the police will not allow you to ascend. You must also bring picture ID (passport, drivers license, teudat zehut)

This aliyah to Har Ha'Bayit is limited to men only.

For more information, or to RSVP for the "tiyul" on Tuesday,
please call Shmuel Sackett (052) 607-0119

You can also send Shmuel an email at:

Love of the Land: Manhigut Yehudit - Chol HaMoed

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