Monday 12 October 2009

Love of the Land: Amira Hass Gets Lifetime Award

Amira Hass Gets Lifetime Award

11 October 09


President Obama isn't the only one receiving awards based on as-yet-unattained accomplishments. On Oct. 20, the International Women's Media Network will reward Ha'aretz'sAmira Hass the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award.

According to IWMF's press release:

[Hass] has demonstrated her ability to defy boundaries of gender, ethnicity and religion in her pursuit of the truth in her reporting. In covering the Palestinian Occupied Territories, her goal has been to provide her readers with detailed information about Israeli policies and especially that of restrictions of the freedom of movement.

Presumably, her "ability to defy boundaries" includes her two illegal entries into the Gaza Strip this year. Likewise, her "pursuit of the truth" apparently include her false claimsthat Israel banned diapers and toilet paper from entering the Gaza Strip and her understatement concerning the amount of industrial fuel that Israel permits into the Gaza Strip.

Perhaps her award should be Lifetime Achivement for Going Where No Diapers and Toilet Paper Have Ever Gone Before.

Love of the Land: Amira Hass Gets Lifetime Award

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