Monday 5 October 2009

Jews Interfering in Honduras

Jews Interfering in Honduras

I haven't commented so far on the irregularities in Honduras these past few months, since they're way beyond my purview. Yet ousted President Zelaya and some of his aides have now forcefully dragged us into the story, by making various accusations about how the Israelis have contributed to their misfortune. I especially liked the one about the science fiction rays:

The ADL also cited an interview with The Miami Herald in which Zelaya said
that "Israeli mercenaries are torturing him with high-frequency radiation."

Why doesn't anyone ever blame the Mongolians for their travails? Or the Easter Islanders? Anyway, from this point of the story on, it does become important to see who is on the side of the rabid antisemites, and who is arrainged against them. That's one of the many reasons history is important.
Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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