Saturday 17 October 2009

JDL to Protest anti Jewish State resolutions at the Reform Movement's Biennial Convention in Toronto

JDL to Protest anti Jewish State resolutions at the Reform Movement's Biennial Convention in Toronto

An Open Letter to the Rabbis of Canada,

Anti-Jewish State resolutions will be introduced at the International Reform Judaism Convention, November 4 - 8, 2009

The resolutions are an attempt to introduce the concept of a Bi-National State by demanding that the Arabs of Israel have full equality in the Government of Israel.

The Arabs of Israel celebrate the 'nakba'. The Arabs of Israel do not support a Jewish State. The resolution is a negation of the realities of the Arab Middle East.

- Rabbi Eric Yoffie - is a key note speaker at the J Street Conference and will be a Key note speaker at this conference.

Delegates at this conference should be given proper information and not propaganda from the advocates of a Bi-National State

On December 15, Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, the president of the Union of Reform Judaism (one of the largest Jewish organizations in America), gave a sermon in San Diego in front 5,000 Reform Jews in which he announced URJ's alliance with Islamic Society of North America (ISNA - one of the largest Muslim organizations in America).
On January 2, 2008, several prominent moderate Muslims published a column in the Jewish Week titled "Attention Rabbi Yoffie: Please Speak To Moderate Muslims" in which they expressed their dismay with the URJ's decision. These moderate Muslims explained why ISNA is anything, but moderate, and appealed to Rabbi Yoffie to reconsider URJ's association with ISNA.

According to the The Investigative Project's website, the world's foremost anti-terrorism NGO, The Islamic Society of North America was founded in 1981 and is the largest Muslim organization in the U.S. Incidentally, Sami al-Arian of the PIG helped established ISNA. "ISNA serves as an umbrella group for hundreds of Islamic organizations in North America, some of which promote the Islamic fundamentalist doctrines of Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Gihad. The Muslim Brotherhood has a plan to subvert the United States using front groups. One of the identified front groups is ISNA, the same ISNA which URJ is so eager to embrace.

Reform Movement's Biennial Convention will present Anti Jewish State Resolutions

Israeli Arab Citizens Resolution (PDF 155.73 KB)

Q and A on Israeli Arabs Resolution (PDF 85.54 KB)

The Jewish Defence League of Canada will oppose the resolution that is harmful to the interest of the Jewish State of Israel. We will have a candle light vigil with banners and signs on opening night at the Toront Metro Convention Center. Our goal is not to divide Jews but to speak with delegates and convince them to vote against this harmful resolution. Please join us.

With Love of Israel,

Meir Weinstein National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada

Originally posted by B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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