Friday 9 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Unlikely comment of the day

Unlikely comment of the day

I assume that most of you have heard already that President Obumbler has won the Nobel Peace Prize for... well, no one can figure out what just yet - maybe just for being the anti-Bush since the Euroweenies hate Bush so much. Thanks to GamesWorldWide for dropping it into my comments (with a Hebrew link) so that I would refresh Twitter and see what's going on.

I thought this comment - reported by Sky News out of London - was the most unlikely comment of the day about the 'peace prize.'

An administration official says President Obama feels "humbled" to have won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, Sky News reports.

Yeah, right. Nothing humbles that pompous a**.

Exit question: Who is the least deserving Nobel Peace Prize winner evah: Barack Obama, Yasser Arafat or name someone else? Comments invited.


How absurd is this selection? Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize had to be presented by February 3, 2009. What did he do in TWO WEEKS that merited a Nobel Peace Prize? Replace George Bush?

Israel Matzav: Unlikely comment of the day

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