Wednesday 14 October 2009

Israel Matzav: UN 'Human Rights Council' to hold special session on Israel

UN 'Human Rights Council' to hold special session on Israel

The UN 'Human Rights Council' will hold a special session on Israel on Thursday and Friday. It's the 12th special session since the Council came into existence three years ago, the sixth to deal solely with Israel and the first in which the United States will participate.

But this session will not just deal with the hopelessly biased Goldstone Report and Israeli 'war crimes' in Gaza. The 'Palestinians' have asked that Jerusalem also be put on the agenda.

According to a political source in Jerusalem, the PA's ambassador to UN institutions in Geneva, Ibrahim Khraishi, told the ambassadors of the countries involved, most of them Arab and Muslim, that the main motivation behind the Palestinian request to discuss the Goldstone report stemmed from "Israeli provocations in Jerusalem." The Palestinians had originally decided not to have the report discussed.


The new draft resolution is entitled "The human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem."

The resolution, which Foreign Ministry sources have described as "very extreme," has three parts: East Jerusalem, the Goldstone report on Operation Cast Lead, and the report by the UN's human rights commissioner on conditions in the Gaza Strip.

An official at the Foreign Ministry says the draft "will only serve to show how excessive the Palestinian claims really are."

Read the whole thing.

The entire discussion of Jerusalem is truly amazing. The 'Palestinians' invent a cause, riot over it and then go to the UN to complain that Israel is (with amazing restraint) putting down the riots. And the world buys into it.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: UN 'Human Rights Council' to hold special session on Israel

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