Wednesday 7 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Row over Goldstone may nix Fatah - Hamas reconciliation

Row over Goldstone may nix Fatah - Hamas reconciliation

ABC News is reporting that the row over the 'Palestinian Authority's agreement to defer consideration of the Goldstone Report by the United Nations 'Human Rights Council' until March may nix an agreement for the good terrorists of Fatah and the bad terrorists of Hamas to reconcile their differences (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).

The row over the report is even threatening plans for Hamas and Fatah to make peace and sign a reconciliation document in Cairo later this month. The Egyptians announced the two factions would sign the deal Oct. 26 but Hamas leaders hinted that the agreement is now in jeopardy.

The Islamic movement's prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, blasted Abbas at a news conference in Gaza Monday. "I ask how the different parties can sit at the same table, given this situation," he said.

"How can the proper environment be created given this unprecedented renunciation, this sacrifice of the martyr's blood and our people's rights."


A silver lining in the clouds if I ever saw one.

Israel Matzav: Row over Goldstone may nix Fatah - Hamas reconciliation

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