Friday 23 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Proof that Human Rights Watch has lost all moral foundations

Proof that Human Rights Watch has lost all moral foundations

On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch founder Robert Bernstein wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in which he lambasted his former colleagues for their anti-Israel obsession.

On Wednesday, NGO Monitor's Anne Herzberg wrote an op-ed in the JPost in which she introduced (and lambasted) Human Rights Watch's ridiculous moral equivalence of the year: Comparing Israel's defensive action in Gaza to the mass murder of civilians in Darfur.

The most outrageous and untenable argument HRW officials are advancing, however, is that the US has to promote Goldstone's discredited report so that it will have greater standing going after crimes in Darfur.

According to Whitson, "failure to demand justice for attacks on civilians in Gaza and the Negev will reveal hypocrisy in US policy. The Obama administration cannot demand accountability for serious violations in places like Sudan and Congo but let allies like Israel go free."

HRW's "emergencies senior researcher" Fred Abrahams made similar claims on a conference call organized by B'Tselem and the fringe group Ta'anit Tzedek (Jewish Fast for Gaza). To equate January's Gaza confrontation aimed at eliminating rocket attacks on Israeli civilians with the genocide in Darfur, where hundreds of thousands have been murdered, and systematic mass rapes and torture are a daily horror is an affront.

As the Volokh Conspiracy's David Bernstein commented about the immoral tenor of these claims: "[Reasonable people would not think] to analogize Israel's action in Gaza to the wars in Congo and Sudan to begin with." If any further proof was needed, HRW has clearly lost its moral foundations.

Given that the President of what is still (despite him) the most powerful nation in the world has compared the plight of the 'Palestinians' to the Holocaust, should we really be surprised that the world's pre-eminent human rights advocate has an anti-Israel obsession and makes the same kind of comparisons?

Israel Matzav: Proof that Human Rights Watch has lost all moral foundations

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