Monday 5 October 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' hypocrisy

'Palestinian' hypocrisy

JPost's Khaled Abu Toameh points out some of the hypocrisy in the 'Palestinian Authority's recent policies.

During Operation Cast Lead, Palestinian security officers in the West Bank provided Israel with valuable intelligence that contributed to the elimination of many Hamas operatives and "military targets." Moreover, the PA even pressured Israel not to stop the war unless Hamas was removed from power. In other words, the Palestinian Authority was telling Israel that it should continue bombing the Gaza Strip until Hamas surrendered.

Palestinian officials, including some of Mahmoud Abbas's top aides, did not hide their disappointment when the war ended without the removal or collapse of Hamas.

As soon as the war ended, the same Palestinian Authority that had urged Israel to "finish off the job," and that had provided Israel with vital information about Hamas figures and installations in the Gaza Strip, started accusing Israel of committing "war crimes." The PA even appealed to The Hague court to launch an investigation into the alleged war crimes.


The PA's "generals" and "colonels" hold daily meetings with their Israeli counterparts to discuss security-related issues. Unlike ordinary Palestinians, senior Palestinian officials can travel to Israel and anywhere they want thanks to VIP cards and other privileges they receive from the Israeli Defense Ministry.

During the night, Palestinian security officials hold secret meetings with their Israeli counterparts. But during the day, the Palestinian Authority is demanding that the same Israeli officials be tried as war criminals. Some of these "war criminals," by the way, are responsible for the fact that the senior PA leaders and their families are able to receive free medical treatment in Israel - a privilege that most Palestinians can only dream about.

Read the whole thing. What he's describing (although he doesn't call it that) is taqiyya, a dispensation allowing believers to conceal their faith when under threat, persecution or compulsion.

It's basically a dispensation to lie, but the 'Palestinians' have been using it since they signed the Oslo Accords and promptly disowned them, and even long before that. The party that still hasn't caught on to the 'Palestinians' duplicity is the Jews. It's time for us to wake up!

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' hypocrisy

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