Friday 16 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Muslim student groups at UC Irvine and OSU sponsor Galloway fundraisers for Hamas

Muslim student groups at UC Irvine and OSU sponsor Galloway fundraisers for Hamas

Muslim student groups at the University of California at Irvine and at Ohio State University held fundraisers for Hamas in Gaza with demented British politician George Galloway last spring. The University of California has opened an investigation into whether its Muslim student group knowingly raised money for the Hamas terror organization (I'd bet they did) and US federal authorities may yet be looking into both student groups.

The OSU group is apparently connected to the Columbus (Ohio) mosque attended by the family of Rifka Bary, the 15-year old Sri Lankan born girl who converted to Christianity and fled to Florida to escape death threats from her family.

One of Galloway’s fundraising stops was for the Muslim Student Union at the University of California-Irvine. The Jerusalem Post reported last week that the student group is now under investigation by the university for having knowingly raised funds for Hamas at the event — a federal felony. Amazingly, several university officials were present at the fundraiser. One Jewish group has requested that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder also open an investigation after submitting a report and videos of the event to the Justice Department.

The Muslim student group at UC-Irvine was not alone in its fundraising for Galloway’s efforts to support Hamas, Pajamas Media has learned.

The Muslim Students Association at the Ohio State University — a sister organization to the UC-Irvine group — also held a luncheon fundraiser on April 4 featuring Galloway, just three weeks after his televised appearance in Gaza with Hamas leaders. A flier for the event states that “all proceeds go to Gaza.” According to the flier, the event was co-sponsored by a prominent mosque in the Columbus area, the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, which has recently been in the news concerning its terrorist ties and its connection to the Rifqa Bary case.


The president of the OSUMSA at the time it held its fundraiser for Galloway was Mohamed Sultan — the son of prominent terrorist-supporting sheikh Salah Sultan. Last January, I reported here at Pajamas Media about an appearance of Salah Sultan on Egyptian TV, where he threatened the U.S. with destruction and invoked a notorious Islamic hadith about the eventual extermination of the Jews at the hands of the Muslims. Sultan has also been photographed at events with several Hamas leaders.

There's much more too.

Israel Matzav: Muslim student groups at UC Irvine and OSU sponsor Galloway fundraisers for Hamas

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