Thursday 22 October 2009

Israel Matzav: J Street apes Obama

J Street apes Obama

J Street, the 'pro-Israel, pro-peace' pro-'Palestinian' group that is holding its convention next week in Washington next week, is taking a page out of the Obama administration's book, blaming the Weekly Standard and its editor Michael Goldfarb for the rash of Senators and Representatives who have looked at J Street's message and decided that they are uncomfortable with it. J Street has attacked the Weekly Standard for using 'thuggish smear tactics.' Members of Obama's administration have similarly attacked Fox News.

In an e-mail to supporters, J Street blamed The Weekly Standard for the withdrawals, saying the magazine’s “thuggish smear tactics” were having an impact on Capitol Hill. The e-mail urged supporters to fight back by calling members of Congress to thank them for being a part of the conference host committee.

Michael Goldfarb, the editor for The Weekly Standard who wrote about J Street, said he takes J Street’s attack against him as a compliment.

“They say the 'thuggish smears are having an impact,'” he said. “They're not having an impact because they're smears, they're having an impact because they're true.”

Stand With Us, a pro-Israel organization, plans to run ads this week expressing concern over J Street in the Washington Post and the Washington Jewish Week.

If anyone has hard copies of those papers and can send me a scan of the ads to publish, it would be much appreciated.

Israel Matzav: J Street apes Obama

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