Wednesday 7 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Israel makes electricity from road traffic

Israel makes electricity from road traffic

In a development that could have implications for the world's dependence on Arab oil, an Israeli start-up company has shown that it is possible to make electricity from generators placed beneath a paved road.

Israeli scientists have achieved a breakthrough in alternative energy, by generating electricity from road traffic. The technology was developed by Ra'anana-based start up Innowwattech Ltd., and Israel National Roads Company Ltd. and the Technion Israel Institute of Technology participated in the trial.

Innowwattech says that presents a pioneering invention for "Parasitic Energy harvesting".

The trial proved, for the first time in the world, how Israeli technology can generate electricity from generators installed beneath a road's asphalt layer. The trial was conducted along a ten-meter stretch of Road 4 at the Hefer Junction, north of Hadera. Following the success of the test, it will be expanded to several one-kilometer stretches of the road, one of Israel's main north-south traffic arteries.

While the rest of the world continues to do nothing on the alternative energy front, Israel takes the lead. Want to boycott us? Go right ahead. And go straight back to the 8th century CE.

Israel Matzav: Israel makes electricity from road traffic

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