Sunday 4 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Israel knows exactly where Shalit is being held, but...

Israel knows exactly where Shalit is being held, but...

A report in the London-based Arabic daily al-Sharq al-Awsat claims that Israel knows exactly where kidnapped IDF corporal Gilad Shalit is being held, but cannot rescue him because the site is surrounded by explosives.

[T]he IDF knows "exactly" where kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit is being held, and ... the location is under constant Israeli surveillance. Hamas is aware that Israel knows where Shalit is being held, the report said, quoting an Israeli source.

The reason Israel has withheld from rescuing Shalit, the report said, is because of a fear that Hamas will kill the soldier if Israel attempts to rescue him. The site where Shalit is being held is surrounded by explosives, which will be set off remotely if IDF soldiers get too close....

All of which goes to show that the IDF probably could have rescued Shalit in 2006 (or at least had better conditions for an attempt) if we'd had a man (or a woman) as Prime Minister rather than a mouse.
Israel Matzav: Israel knows exactly where Shalit is being held, but...

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