Friday 30 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Hamas bans elections in Gaza

Hamas bans elections in Gaza

With the 'Palestinian Authority' planning elections for January 24, Hamas has announced that it will not allow the 'Palestinian Authority' to plan the election in Gaza, effectively banning it.

Hamas's decision to ban the vote in the Gaza Strip raises doubts regarding PA President Mahmoud Abbas's ability to hold the elections on time.

Hamas and other Palestinian factions have also declared their intention to boycott the vote, leaving Abbas's Fatah faction alone in the race.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said that the elections committee, which was entrusted earlier this week by Abbas to start preparing for the elections, was an "illegal body" that was established on the basis of an "unconstitutional" decision.

Abu Zuhri said that the committee was established in violation of "understandings" reached between Hamas and Fatah through Egyptian mediators in recent weeks.

He added that according to the ostensible understandings, the committee was supposed to be established in agreement between the two parties.

The spokesman stressed that Hamas would not allow the committee to operate in the Gaza Strip. He said that the Hamas government would take the necessary measures to enforce the ban.

The Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior threatened to punish any Palestinian who participated in the elections or helped Abbas's elections committee in the Gaza Strip. The ministry said that Hamas was opposed to holding any elections before a "reconciliation" agreement was reached with Fatah. It pointed out that Abbas did not have the authority to issue a "presidential decree" calling for new elections.

The article goes on to add that Marwan Barghouti also opposes the 'elections' and that Abu Mazen will again be a candidate.

But just give them a 'state' and all these problems will be magically resolved.


Israel Matzav: Hamas bans elections in Gaza

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