Wednesday 14 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Hamas accuses Egypt of torture

Hamas accuses Egypt of torture

The pot calls the kettle black? Hamas is accusing Egypt of torture in the death of 38-year old Youssef Abu Zuhri, the brother of Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. Youssef died after being imprisoned in Egypt on April 28 after illegally crossing into El-Arish using an underground tunnel from the Gaza Strip.

During a Hamas press conference in Gaza on Tuesday, Sami Abu Zuhri said his brother had been brutally tortured over the past two weeks, leading to internal bleeding and ultimately a massive hemorrhage that caused his death.

"My youngest brother died because of the barbaric torture he suffered in the Egyptian jail," Abu Zuhri said in an e- mailed statement.

Egyptian Interior Ministry spokesman General Hamdi Abdel Karim denied that torture had been the cause of death; rather, Abu Zuhri "died a natural death from a drop in blood circulation," according to a report from Agence France-Presse.

Other unnamed Egyptian security officials quoted by Reuters refuted Hamas's claims of torture, claiming that Abu Zuhri had suffered from liver and chest ailments and been transferred to Egypt's Alexandria Hospital for treatment in late September.

Any doctors out there? What are the odds of a 38-year old suddenly dying a 'natural death' from a 'drop in blood circulation'? I'd guess they're somewhere between slim and none.

More likely that Egypt is trying to force Hamas to concede something in its 'negotiations' with Fatah.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Hamas accuses Egypt of torture

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