Wednesday 7 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Hakaletet Halohetet (The hot video)

Hakaletet Halohetet (The hot video)

Al-Jazeera is reporting that the reason 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen acceded to Israel's request to delay the United Nations 'Human Rights Council's consideration of the Goldstone Commission Report is that Israel showed him a videotape in which Abu Bluff begs Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and then-Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to continue Operation Cast Lead against Hamas.

A videotape is behind the decision by the Palestinian Authority to delay the vote on a UN report accusing Israel of war crimes during its offensive on the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian news agency has reported.

Quoting what it called reliable sources, Shahab news agency said PA representatives at a meeting in Washington had initially rejected Israel's request not to endorse the report and were determined to stick to this position.

But, the agency added, Brigadier Eli Avraham played a videotape showing a meeting between Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, and Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister. The meeting was also attended by Tzipi Livni, Israel's former foreign minister.

The video showed Abbas trying to convince Barak to continue the war on Gaza, while Barak looked hesitant, although Livni appeared to be in support of the plan, Shahab quoted its sources as saying.


Shahab also reported that Avraham played an audiotape of a telephone call between Dov Weissglas, the director of the Israeli chief of staff bureau, and al-Tayyib Abdul Rahim, secretary-general of the Palestinian presidency.

In the conversation, Abdul Rahim says that circumstances were suitable for entry of the Israeli army into Jabalya and al-Shatea refugee camps, and adds that the fall of these two camps would end Hamas’s rule in Gaza Strip, Shahab says.

Weissglas then told Abdul Rahim that this operation would lead to the death of thousands of civilians, but, according to Shahab, Abdul Rahim said: "They have all elected Hamas, so they are the ones who have chosen their fate, not us."

Shehab says that the Israeli delegation threatened the PA representatives that it would present the recorded material to the UN and news organisations, forcing the delegation to accept Israel's request to delay the vote on the report.

On the one hand, Qatari-based al-Jazeera is very much in Hamas' court. On the other hand, it's no secret in Israel that Fatah encouraged Operation Cast Lead and provided invaluable intelligence about Hamas in Gaza. That's why Fatah were hypocrites to get involved with Goldstone in the first place. Not that they ever hesitated to adopt hypocritical positions.

Do I believe this story? Damned straight I do.

Israel Matzav: Hakaletet Halohetet (The hot video)

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