Saturday 17 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Explosives laboratory found in 'east' Jerusalem

Explosives laboratory found in 'east' Jerusalem

Have you ever thought that the 'Palestinians' might want 'holy Jerusalem' as their capitol for reasons other than religion? Here's one possible reason.

It was disclosed on Friday that special police forces, assisted by the Shabak Israel Security Agency, located an explosives laboratory on September 17th in Abu-Dis, south of Jerusalem. Different chemicals for the making of devices were seized, along with some weapons.

Three terrorists, including an explosives engineer, were arrested and detained for investigation.

A weapons lab containing explosives and pipes that were apparently meant to be used to assemble rockets was discovered in a joint Border Police-IDF-Shin Bet [Israel Security Agency] operation last month in Abu Dis, next to Ma'aleh Adumim, security officials announced Friday.


The discovery followed intelligence gathered by the defense establishment.

The Shin Bet revealed in a report last year that Hamas terror operatives in the West Bank had increased efforts to obtain a rocket capability and to develop Kassam rockets that could be fired into central Israeli cities.

Does anyone really think a piece of paper is going to stop this?

Israel Matzav: Explosives laboratory found in 'east' Jerusalem

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