Tuesday 13 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Daily News: US should veto Goldstone

Daily News: US should veto Goldstone

An editorial in Sunday's New York Daily News calls on the United States to exercise its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to prevent any action on the Goldstone Report.

On Oct. 1, the Palestinian Authority, under pressure from the United States and others, had a brief interlude of decency. Its representatives chose to defer further discussion on the Goldstone Report in the Human Rights Council.

But that decision sparked ridicule by Hamas and anger in the Arab streets toward authority chief Mahmoud Abbas - including posters reading "to the trash heap of history, you traitor."

Abbas reversed course, paving the way for Libya to present the report to the Security Council.

The enemies of Israel are an energetic bunch. So, too, must be its defenders. This means you, veto-wielding Security Council member United States of America.

My fear is that the Obama administration either won't use the veto or will try to extract something from Israel in return.

What this administration needs to see - somehow - is that even if it were another country in the dock and not Israel, it would be an American interest to use the veto. If Israel is punished for defending itself, the United States is sure to be near the front of the line to be next.

Israel Matzav: Daily News: US should veto Goldstone

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