Wednesday 7 October 2009

Israel Matzav: But will President Obama protest?

But will President Obama protest?

You may recall that at his infamous Cairo speech in June, President Obama talked about the 'right' of Muslim women to wear the veil. At the time, many people ridiculed the statement, because women are far more likely to be forced to wear the veil than they are to be penalized for wearing it voluntarily.

Now, a country is about to ban wearing the veil, and one has to wonder whether President Obama will protest. You see, the country that wants to ban women from wearing the veil is... Egypt.

Egypt’s top Islamic cleric, Muhammad Sayed Tantawi, is planning to bar students wearing a face veil from entering the schools of Al Azhar, Sunni Islam’s premier educational institution, according to an independent newspaper, Al Masry al-Youm. A security official also confirmed that the police had orders to bar girls covered from head to toe from entering Al Azhar’s institutions, including middle and high schools, as well as the dormitories of several Cairo universities. The moves appear to be part of a government crackdown on increasingly overt manifestations of ultraconservative Islam in Egypt.... [I]n a recent school visit, Sheik Tantawi said the veil “has nothing to do with Islam,” the paper said.


Israel Matzav: But will President Obama protest?

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