Thursday 8 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Hamas calls for 'day of rage' Friday to 'protect' Jerusalem

Breaking: Hamas calls for 'day of rage' Friday to 'protect' Jerusalem

Israel Radio reports that Hamas has called for a 'day of rage' in Jerusalem on Friday to 'protect' Jerusalem. Magen David Adom - Israel's version of the Red Cross - has raised its alert for Friday to the highest level possible.

Friday is Hoshana Rabba, the seventh and final day of the Sukkot holiday (Saturday is technically a separate holiday), and a day on which some 50,000 people are expected to attend sunrise prayers at the Western Wall, below the Temple Mount where the al-Aqsa mosque now sits.

In the past, 'Palestinians' have thrown stones down from the Temple Mount onto the Jewish worshipers below.

In case any of you are wondering, I do not expect to be on the Western Wall plaza on Friday morning. On Hoshana Rabba, I pray in a yeshiva that overlooks the Western Wall plaza and the Temple Mount.

But my cell phone has a camera on it....

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Hamas calls for 'day of rage' Friday to 'protect' Jerusalem

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