Monday 19 October 2009

Israel Matzav: Answer this, Judge Goldstone

Answer this, Judge Goldstone

Writing in the JPost, Haviv Rettig Gur poses some hard questions for the indignant Judge Goldstone.

So Goldstone owes Israelis an answer to a basic moral question. In the words of one Israeli observer: "Are you in the habit, Judge Goldstone, of accepting commissions whose political agenda you must first expunge so that the mandate meets the most elementary standard of fairness?"

Some day, international law may hold the key to human dignity and happiness. But in using the terminology of law in a clear situation of biased political wrangling, that day is being pushed farther away.

Israelis and many Jews would like to know, Judge Goldstone, if by the time this is all over, you feel your contribution - your reputation and Jewish name - was helpful or detrimental to the goals of international peace and a lawful world order.

Or have you, with shocking naivete, allowed your Jewishness and judicial prestige to be abused by bodies whose motivations amount to thinly veiled bigotry?

Israel Matzav: Answer this, Judge Goldstone

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