Thursday 8 October 2009

Esser Agaroth: Orthodox Jewish Boxer To Vie For Crown

Orthodox Jewish Boxer To Vie For Crown

5 d'Hol HaMo'ed Sukkoth 5770

Here is an example of the Jewish Warrior image and status we must regain, if we are to survive as a people....

Ha'Aretz: Orthodox Jewish boxer 'Star of David' to vie for crown
Oren Kessler, Oct. 7, 2009

Orthodox Jewish boxer Dmitriy Salita [age 27] will be the first to challenge Amir Khan for the WBA light-welterweight crown, as the unbeaten New Yorker takes on the defending champion December 5 in Newcastle, England....

(Tip Credit: The Kalashnikover Rebbe)

What the article doesn't say is that he will be fighting against a Muslim, albeit a non-Arab, Pakistani-British Muslim. I suppose we will see if this has any impact as we approach the date of the fight. Amir Kahn was the Olympic silver medalist in the lightweight category in Athens, 2004.

And, yes, as the article does say, Salita is Torah-observant. A survivor of violent, antisemitism in The Ukraine, he became interested in Torah as a teen, after moving to Brooklyn.


Salita shrinks before no contender, but there is one line he said he simply won't cross - fighting on Shabbat.

"Anyone who wants a good whuppin' from me is just going to have to wait until sundown," he said.

I think that pretty much says it all.

Although December 5, 2009 is a Saturday, don't worry. Shabbath will be out in New Castle already by 4:44 pm, plenty of time to prepare for the fight later that evening.

There are several videos of Salita to be found on the Net. I selected this one to place here, even though it is four years old. It includes some music at the beginning by a surprise guest. Check out which famous, Jewish singer escorts him out to the ring.

You can also become a Dmitry Salita Fan on Facebook! (Log-in required)

Hag Same'ah!

Esser Agaroth: Orthodox Jewish Boxer To Vie For Crown

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