Thursday 1 October 2009

DoubleTapper: Iran is ready for war, are you?

Iran is ready for war, are you?

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
Iran is ready for war. They have ICBM's capable of reaching New York, Johannesburg and Rio de Janero. That's a range of over 11,000 km.

Iran has plenty of missiles and is waiting for the opportunity to use them.

A reader, Jacqueline, asked what are Iran's missile capabilities?

Iran has ICBM, BM-25, KH-55, Shahab (Comet) 3 and Shahab 3-ER missiles.

MESI's interactive map shows Iran's missile arsenal and the range to reach New York and London.

Iran thumbed their nose at the world and ran a missile test last week of two surface-to-surface missiles, the Shehab 3 and Sejil on Monday, September 28.

In addition, Iran is close to its goal of nuclear weapons capability as well.

But what can you do?

Here's how you can help stop Iran.

DoubleTapper: Iran is ready for war, are you?

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