Tuesday 13 October 2009

Did Goldstone Read His Own Report?

Did Goldstone Read His Own Report?

There's an interesting discussion among readers on a previous post in which I wondered about Richard Goldstone (Goldstone: Curioser and Curioser). The question is if Goldstone even read the report that bears his name, and if he understood what's written there.

I agree that it's inconceivable that he didn't read it; Zvi's description of the authoring process sounds about right. Yet we're left with the riddle of "what was he thinking?"

Here, look at this:

179. In 1994 the Palestinian Authority was established following the Oslo I Accord and in 1995 “the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip”, also known as “Oslo II,”9 detailed practical steps to be implemented by the parties in view of the negotiations on the final status of the territory. The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by an Israeli extremist in 1995 dealt a lethal blow to the peace process. Successive Israeli Governments and the Palestinian political leadership failed to reach an agreement on the final status at the United States-sponsored Camp David summit in 2000 and during direct talks in Taba (Egypt) in 2001.
180. A second popular uprising erupted in September 2000, after the then opposition leader Ariel Sharon conducted a controversial visit to the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem.10 This second intifada set off an unprecedented cycle of violence. (My italics)

They're not talking about Gaza at all; it's background - and highly instructive background, too, for being so obviously tendentious. Is this what Goldstone truly believes? And if so, how so?
Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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