Tuesday 20 October 2009

The Cost of Marriage

The Cost of Marriage


"Abba, how much did it cost you to get married?"
"I don't know, but I am still paying!"
Marriage is a truly constant effort from both members of the couple.
In advertisements, a precious item is sold for a small amount and only in the fine print does it mention the hefty monthly payments.
The wedding itself is inexpensive: You are betrothed to me with this ring – and the ring only need to be worth a perutah (a minimal amount). The Ketubah, however, stipulates many obligations, both daily emotion and financial ones.
One has to exert effort day in and day out! Exertion of emotion, exertion of time, exertion of effort. This is especially true for men who sometimes have the tendency to feel like a tourist at home and do not take responsibility. Someone who thinks that marriage is only romance will be sorely disappointed.
There is great effort involved, but it is so pleasant.
Originally posted by Torat HaRav Aviner

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