Wednesday 9 September 2009

RubinReports: Syria’s Policy and Europe’s Pay-Offs Disprove A Cliché: Crime DOES Pay

Syria’s Policy and Europe’s Pay-Offs Disprove A Cliché: Crime DOES Pay

By Barry Rubin

If you are seeking ironies, you need look no further than the Middle East. Consider:

Syria is a country which:

--Is a dictatorship and regularly violates human rights, with peaceful dissidents arrested, thrown into prison, and tortured.

--Provides the headquarters for the terrorist groups Hamas and Hizballah.

--Gives a safe haven and base of operations for terrorists in Iraq who have killed thousands of civilians.

--Is being investigated for its role in a dozen terror attacks in Lebanon, including direct accusations of its ordering the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri.

--More than any other country in the world, cooperates with al-Qaida and helps it launch operations.

--Was caught two years ago building a secret nuclear plant for making atomic weapons.

BUT, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, whose government will hold the EU presidency come January 1, has just expressed his support for the EU signing a partnership agreement with Syria. European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner has stated that an EU-Syria deal is close.
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RubinReports: Syria’s Policy and Europe’s Pay-Offs Disprove A Cliché: Crime DOES Pay

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