Thursday 10 September 2009

Love of the Land: Ya'alon: Jews have right to settle in land of the Bible

Ya'alon: Jews have right to settle in land of the Bible

Chaim Levinson
Haaretz Correspondent
10 September 09

Moshe Ya'alon, the former army chief and current minister in Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet, said on Wednesday that Jews have an "unassailable right" to "settle anywhere, particularly here, the land of the Bible."

Ya'alon spoke during an appearance marking the 25 years since the founding of the West Bank settlement of Eli, southeast of Ariel.

The minister, who holds the strategic affairs portfolio while also occupying the title of vice premier, said Eli, which is tucked deep in the heart of the disputed territory, "breathes life into the Zionist vision in the face of the rising Arab nationalism."
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Love of the Land: Ya'alon: Jews have right to settle in land of the Bible

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