Tuesday 8 September 2009

Love of the Land: Success: Golan Facebookers Ain't Syrian

Success: Golan Facebookers Ain't Syrian

Backspin/Honest Reporting
07 September 09

Little more than a week ago, HonestReporting launched the Facebook group,Facebook, Golan Residents Live in Israel, not Syria.

This was in response to Facebook settings that only allowed Golan residents to chooseSyria as their home country. But our members got Facebook's attention: last night, we discovered that Facebook changed the settings. The heights are no longer exclusively "Syrian" now. Facebookers in communities like Ramat Magshimim, Geshur, and Had Nes aren't forced to "select" Syria in the dropdown box.

Screen grab before, with Syria as the only option:


Screen grab after, now includes Israel


Credit Facebook for simply making the change without getting dragged into an acrimonious and embarrassing political debate. And credit our 2,490 members for getting involved and getting results.

Be sure to join the ongoing discussion at HonestReporting's Facebook page.

Love of the Land: Success: Golan Facebookers Ain't Syrian

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