Tuesday 8 September 2009

Love of the Land: Rivlin, in Hebron, Slams Netanyahu: You Can't Build TA By Destroying Ariel

Rivlin, in Hebron, Slams Netanyahu: You Can't Build TA By Destroying Ariel

Chaim Levinson-Nir Hasson
08 September 09

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to freeze settlement construction while on a visit to Jewish compounds in Hebron yesterday.

"Anyone who believes Jerusalem can be built by destroying Hebron hasn't learned a thing," said Rivlin, in Hebron for a memorial ceremony for the victims of the 1929 Hebron massacre. "Anyone who thinks you can build Tel Aviv by drying up Ariel and Ma'ale Adumim, or that we'll get our territorial rights recognized this way, is destined to repeat past mistakes. Anyone who thinks we will thus escape a Holocaust is embracing false hopes," said Rivlin.

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Love of the Land: Rivlin, in Hebron, Slams Netanyahu: You Can't Build TA By Destroying Ariel

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