Thursday 10 September 2009

Love of the Land: Ma'ariv: Netanyahu Worried About Feiglin's Growing Power in Likud

Ma'ariv: Netanyahu Worried About Feiglin's Growing Power in Likud

Opposition to the Bibi's proposal to nullify the Likud bylaw that requires new members to wait 16 months before being allowed to vote is growing daily. Every Likud member who does not have something very specific to gain from this tactic, which will effectively re-instate vote buying in the Likud, the manipulative and artificial inflation of the number of voters, is disgusted by Netanyahu's attempt artificially inflate the Likud electorate in his favor, also known as vote buying. Everyone still remembers the days of the Likud under Sharon. They know where tricks like these have led the Likud and (almost) nobody wants to go back there.

Netanyahu apparently realized that he cannot simply revert to vote-buying and that the media would not remain silent. So he came up with a brilliant spin:

Ma'ariv:"Binyamin Netanyahu worried about the growing strength of Feiglin and the settlers inside the framework of Likud"
Click here to read an English translation of the Ma'ariv article. Please note that the article was "suggested" to the paper by Netanyahu, himself.

Bibi will present his vote-buying as the best way to fight the Feiglinites: "Netanyahu prepares to battle a takeover in his party." That way, Bibi gets the kid-glove treatment from the press.

"If the Feiglinites succeed," the prominent source of the news item lectured the journalist, "they will gain enormous influence over Israeli society." In other words, because of those pesky Jews who took Manhigut Yehudit seriously and registered for the Likud, Netanyahu will not manage to establish a Palestinian state. That is why we have to fight against the Feiglin Phenomenon.

Does anybody still doubt the importance of registering for the Likud? Two possible scenarios will greet new members of the Likud: If Netanyahu gets his way and nullifies the 16 month waiting period, then the new member can immediately vote against Netanyahu's plans to establish a Palestinian state and expel Jews from their homes. In other words, the new member will be the counterpoint to the Arab clans and workers' unions who will be registered en masse - for a price.

Read All at :

Love of the Land: Ma'ariv: Netanyahu Worried About Feiglin's Growing Power in Likud

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