Wednesday 9 September 2009

Love of the Land: Illegal Arab Land Grab

1751 2nd Avenue, New York, NY 10128

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Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

September 8, 2009

To: Minister of Defense,

Mr. Ehud Barak

Re: Shdema

Dear Mr. Barak

I’m writing to you in the name of the thousands of members of Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) in the United States who are concerned about the illegal Arab land grab taking place everywhere in Israel, and in particular in the abandoned army base of Shdema.

I was recently in Israel, viewed the situation in Shdema firsthand, and took part in one of the weekly cultural events put on by The Committee for a Jewish Shdema. I have followed the Committee’s evolution from a small group of activists, to an established organization with ambitious plans for the area and strong support by the public, local authorities, and governmental figures and MPs.

I believe the Committee’s goals of keeping Shdema in Jewish hands is an imperative for both practical and principled reasons. As a practical matter, Shdema overlooks the highway connecting Jerusalem with Eastern Gush Etzion and southwards. Controlling Shdema is therefore vital to the safety and security of Israel’s Jewish citizens that reside and travel in those areas. As a matter of principle, for Israel to abandon sovereignty over its territory de facto and out of inaction will lead to chaos, violence, and a tsunami of Arab lawlessness, as we are already seeing everywhere in Israel, in the Galilee and the Negev as well as Gush Etzion.

The illegal Arab building in Shdema is a striking example of brazenness that was actually funded by the American (USAID) and European governments. AFSI has every intention of raising a furor over U.S. governmental funds going to fund illegal, politically motivated construction in the Israeli territory of Area C. The Internet sites of some of the international organizations active in Shdema are full of hatred for Israel and lies and incitement against her.

The Arabs have plenty of land under their own jurisdiction on which to build whatever they’d like. We at AFSI hope that as defense minister you will defend Israel’s vital interests and ensure that Shdema remains Jewish.


Helen Freedman

Executive Director, AFSI

Love of the Land: Illegal Arab Land Grab

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