Tuesday 15 September 2009

Love of the Land: Gaza Police Fatalities: By the Numbers

Gaza Police Fatalities: By the Numbers

Backspin/Honest Reporting
14 September 09

Should Palestinian policemen killed during Operation Cast Lead be defined as civilian casualties or combatants? The JCPA researched Gaza's cops.

343 Overall Palestinian security forces killed during the Gaza war.

286 Palestinian security forces killed during the war who were identified as terror organization members.

27 Palestinian security forces killed during the war who were undergoing infantry training.

89 Overall Palestinians killed in a December 27, 2008 air strike on an officer training course at the Gaza police HQ.

60 Palestinian policemen killed in the above attack who were members also members of Hamas.

0 Palestinians killed or wounded in incidents of "friendly fire" during the Gaza war, according to Palestinian claims.

See also Elder of Ziyon's research and The New Republic, which interviewed Palestinian and Israeli researchers on the wide divergence of civilian casualties.

Love of the Land: Gaza Police Fatalities: By the Numbers

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