Sunday 6 September 2009

Love of the Land: Ashraf Khalil Can't Swallow Reality

06 September 09

Ashraf Khalil, who reported for the Los Angeles Times from the Gaza Strip during last winter's fighting, explores a worthwhile subject -- Egyptian-Israel relations -- in an Op-Ed in the Jerusalem Post. Yet, he cannot bring himself to acknowledge a basic reality -- that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He writes:

It's becoming harder for Cairo to hide the fact that its foreign policy interests are more in line with Tel Aviv than ever.

Although an important Ministry of Defense facility is located in Tel Aviv, Israel's seat of government is in Jerusalem --whether or not Ashraf Khalil likes it. Khalil must feel right at home at the Los Angeles Times, which in the past has stood by other writers who likewise referred to Tel Aviv as Israel's capital.

Love of the Land: Ashraf Khalil Can't Swallow Reality

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