Wednesday 16 September 2009

Love of the Land: Anti-Semitic contagion…from Sweden to Algeria

Anti-Semitic contagion…from Sweden to Algeria

Robin Shepherd
Think Tank Blog
15 September 09

Well that’s not the kind of headline you’d have seen a few years ago. But the times they are a changing. Contemporary Europe is not merely competing with anti-Semitic bigotry in the countries of the Muslim world, it is now exporting it to them.

In the wake of the story in Sweden’s Aftonbladet newspaper last month which suggested that Israeli soldiers were involved in an international conspiracy to harvest the bodily organs of Palestinian children, it now appears that stories are rife across the Middle East that Jews and Israelis are harvesting the organs of Algerian children too.

The Jerusalem Post reports today that the story surfaced in Algeria’s Al-Khabar newspaper. According to the report, gangs of Moroccans and Algerians have been sweeping through the streets of Algerian cities and hunting down children who are then slaughtered and dismembered so their bodily organs can be sold to American Jews and Israelis.

According to the Post, the source of the allegations appears to be Dr. Mustafa Khayatti, head of the Algerian National Committee for the Development of Health Research who is quoted as saying:

“The arrest of Jewish organ trafficking gangs does not mean that the danger has gone; top officials and specialists in this issue assert that there are other Jewish gangs who remain active in several Arab countries.”

Iran’s Press TV, now a feature in living rooms across Europe, has apparently picked up on the story with glee. It is also being disseminated widely across the Middle East.

Sweden, its press and its government can be mightily proud of their achievements. Sweden will be remembered for something more than Abba after all.

To read the Jerusalem Post article in full, click here:

Love of the Land: Anti-Semitic contagion…from Sweden to Algeria

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