Saturday 5 September 2009

The Jewish Defence League of Canada will hold a counter protest against the BDS program on Thursday September 10th.

"The Jewish Defence League of Canada will hold a counter protest against the BDS program on Thursday September 10th.

Dear (Contact First Name),

A protest by haters of Israel, 'filmmakers' and 'artists' opposed to a Toronto International Film Festival program that spotlights Tel Aviv is growing, with plans to hold a press conference Thursday to coincide with the festival's opening.
This anti Israel protest is part of an international campaign called 'boycott, divestment and sanctions' or BDS. The purpose of this BDS campaign is to distract attention away from Radical Iran's Nuclear plans and to allow Hamas and Hezbollah to attain more weapons.

The Jewish Defence League of Canada will hold a counter protest against the BDS program on Thursday September 10th.

The exact time and location will be announced.

The Jewish Defence League of Canada is calling upon all decent people to join with us and raise Israel and Canada flags high and proud.

For additional information call 416-736-7000

With love of Israel,
Meir Weinstein"

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